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Biblioteca "Fiz Vergara Vilariño"

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

An opinion of "The picture of Dorian Gray"

Os nosos lectores son, polo menos, trilingües, e cando len en inglés fan as súas críticas en inglés.
Esta é a opinión de Andrea García Gallego (2º Bach) sobre a adaptación de "The picture of Dorian Gray" de Oscar Wilde, que xa podedes coller da biblioteca.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It is a really deep book because it tells an interesting story about a murderer, beauty and youth, all of them in one person, Dorian. This book also tells that sometimes wishes shouldn't come true, so we have to be careful with the things we wish.
The book also shows that some points of view are good for some people but they could destroy other people's point of view. I also think that this book is easy to read and funny.

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