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Biblioteca "Fiz Vergara Vilariño"

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Money for a motorbike

Este curso estanse a emprestar mais libros de inglés que nunca grazas á programación de lecturas voluntarias do departamento de inglés que ademais de entreter axudan a subila nota.
Desta vez, Teresa López de 2º ESO recoméndanos Money for a motorbike, un libriño cunha interesante moralexa.
My personal opinion about this book is positive. In this book Stuart learns that he can’t lie because that brings problems and he learns that the money isn’t all, because you can have got more money and you aren’t happy. He wants a motorbike but he has to work and get money but he can’t rob money because it isn’t good. Another thing that we can’t do is talk with strangers because they can be dangerous and you can have problems with these people. At the end Stuart knows that lying and robbing aren’t good things.


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